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SQLMAP Commands

SQLMAP Commands

Here are some common SQLMap commands along with their descriptions that you can use in a table format for your cyber-security website: Command Description sqlmap -u <URL> Perform SQL injection testing on a specific URL. sqlmap -u <target url> -D <database> –tables List all the tables in a specific database on the target URL. sqlmap…

Vulnweb.com Assessment

Vulnweb.com Assessment

Vulnweb.com Assessment Key Features: Web Application Testing: Vulnweb.com is an online platform designed for hands-on web application security testing. It offers a range of intentionally vulnerable web applications, making it an ideal resource for training and learning. Diverse Vulnerabilities: The platform hosts various web applications with intentionally injected vulnerabilities, allowing users to practice identifying and…

Web Application Testing

Web Application Testing

Web Application Testing Key Features: Comprehensive Assessments: Web Application Testing is crucial for evaluating the security of web-based software. It helps identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that can be exploited by attackers. Vulnerability Detection: These tools specialize in finding a wide range of web application vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and authentication flaws. Automated…