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SQLMAP Commands

SQLMAP Commands

Here are some common SQLMap commands along with their descriptions that you can use in a table format for your cyber-security website: Command Description sqlmap -u <URL> Perform SQL injection testing on a specific URL. sqlmap -u <target url> -D <database> –tables List all the tables in a specific database on the target URL. sqlmap…

Vulnweb.com Assessment

Vulnweb.com Assessment

Vulnweb.com Assessment Key Features: Web Application Testing: Vulnweb.com is an online platform designed for hands-on web application security testing. It offers a range of intentionally vulnerable web applications, making it an ideal resource for training and learning. Diverse Vulnerabilities: The platform hosts various web applications with intentionally injected vulnerabilities, allowing users to practice identifying and…

Penetration Testing Tools

Penetration Testing Tools

Penetration Testing Tools Penetration Testing Tools are the foundation of effective security assessments. These specialized software applications are designed to mimic cyberattacks, allowing professionals to evaluate and fortify the defenses of computer systems, networks, and applications. Discover key features and popular tools in this essential category. Key Features: Vulnerability Identification: Penetration testing tools help uncover…